
Showing posts from September, 2020

Teaching During a Pandemic

  As COVID ramped up last spring, in-person classes came to an abrupt halt.  Many of us had just a few days to transition into online teaching, and very little ( if any ) formal training.  In fact, most of us had never even taken an online course ourselves. We lacked any model for constructing our courses in the online environment, and we did the best that we could to just teach our students something… anything! We know that many of you have been in limbo, and trying to prepare for this year without knowing whether you will be in a virtual, hybrid, or in-person environment.  Here in the math department at the University of Minnesota, we’ve been preparing for online teaching since June, and some of us have been teaching in an online/hybrid environment for years.  We’d like to use the MathCEP platform to share our experiences and resources with you.  This blog post is just the beginning. In this post, two postdocs at the University of Minnesota, Alexis Johnso...